Hi, I'm Lisa, relational alchemist, carrier of voice and breath, somatic awareness educator and compassionate soul whisperer.
I connect people to rewrite stories, play with collective nervous system regulation and deepen relational attunement.
I support those who passionately serve others to strengthen their impact in the field through embodied relational presence.
Wether you're a care giver, space holder or creative, my attuned presence will inspire you to claim your voice by aligning your conscious and unconscious will.
Speak your truth with less effort and more impact, all while falling more deeply in love with life.
We'll bridge your inner and outer landscapes with curiosity, compassion, playfulness and patience, inviting possibilities to become a lived reality.
My companionship invites creative flow, soul alignment and embodied authenticity.
We create spaces that allow you to stay connected with your true self while acting in the world.
With many years of experience working in the relational embodiment field, and extensive training in the Feldenkrais Method, Somatic Experiencing, structural body
work, counselling, coaching and classical singing, I have exquisite skills to invite you into a powerful intimate dialogue that has the potential to change not only the narrative of your
life but the the felt experience of your every moment.
Interested in working with me? Let's connect in German, English or Portuguese. I work with people in my studio in Vienna and via Zoom. Let's take the next step towards a life your soul craves.
Mag.art. Elisabeth Rombach
Sankt Ulrichs Platz 4/2/4
1070 Wien
Email: office @ lisarombach.at
Tel: +43 650 523 27 39
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